Hello and welcome to my blog.

I’ve decided to bite the bullet and put up my first post, although I really haven’t crafted out what I want to say.

All I’ve decided is to tell a story about my place in the world, and about my life-long crush on the Playboy.  The problem with my crush is that it’s not a long distance crush.  The Playboy has been in my life since I was a wee lass and he treats me very well.  He’s rescued me from mishaps that are too many to count, so maybe I’m more of an irritant to him.  Maybe I’m like a beloved pet.  I don’t know.

I’m definitely not like any of the women he’s been with.  They are always the beautiful and exotic types.  I’m the complete opposite since I am under five feet and fluffy.  Oh, and blonde.  Definitely not exotic.

This is where I will be sharing my misadventures.

A Fluffy Blonde